Re: EuSQLite
- Posted by Jesus Consuegra <jconsuegra at> Jun 09, 2007
Hi Juergen! I'm using heavily EuSqlite3, so I'm interested in any optimization that can be done... I've been taking a glimpse to your changes, and what I see is that in "peek_sequence2" you replaced
seq = "" by seq = repeat(0, len)
return seq by return seq[1..i]
Would this mean a big difference? Because if so, I should adapt it yet. I'm writing a web page generator for a friend that does historical investigation. He puts all the information inside big text files, where we've agreed a set of markers to identify titles, actors, references and document text. Document text can be quite big and is stored inside a sequence.... What I do is to split the big text in pieces and store it on a Sqlite3 database. From there, some other programs to extract the data and build the site. (I set a trial output site for my friend, just to see the data, formatting is awful and texts are in spanish..., select the left link over the picture) I would appreciate very much any suggestion to improve the access to Sqlite3 databases. Thanks for your suggestions!. Jes.