What's the Best Way?
- Posted by cklester <cklester at HOTPOP.COM> Jun 15, 2000
I've got a big project I'm workin' on, and I've come across a question for which my experience cannot yet provide a reliable answer... so, I'm throwing it out here: I'm creating an include file to help me with data management. Right now I am accessing the include's procedure with abc( COMMAND , Parameters ), where abc is the procedure, COMMAND is the particular command, and Parameters is a sequence containing the parameters for the COMMAND. (Duh, right? ) Right now, any output is automatically sent to a global variable, abcOutput, for the programmer to parse himself. It goes something like this: abc( GET_DATA , { recID, field } ) and abcOutput would contain the data returned by that command. But would it be better for me to make individual procedures/functions? Instead of abc( GET_DATA , {recID, field} ) I would use abc_get_data( recID , field ) or turn it into a function, abcOutput = abc( GET_DATA , { recID , field } ) or abcOutput = abc_get_data( recID , field ) Right now it has, maybe, 10 commands, and is handled like this: procedure abc( sequence command , sequence params ) if command = COMMAND_ONE then... if command = COMMAND_TWO then... etc... end procedure What's the most efficient way? I'm thinking about cross-platform compatibility, maintainability, extensibility, etc-bility... Thanks for your input! <\<