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Salutations,  (is this getting old yet?)

>Oh, and change rand(320) to rand(640)... :)

I thought it strange that lightning never struck on the right
side of the screen ;)

>it's still basically the same. Let me know what you think of it.

I like it, the lightning sometimes looks weird when there is
a whole lot of it (maybe rand(640) will fix that), but most of
the time it looks cool!  One thing that I think would make it
better is if the flashes would illuminate clouds and/or scenery.
This would probalbly need the use of bitmaps though, just in
case you have something against that ;)

>Vector is easier to spell... ;)

Most of the names and words that I make up are kinda weird
like that. ;)

>The animation for the guy swinging the sword could be a bit
>better. It looks like he just pokes it forward. Maybe
>something more like what

Yeah, I plan on totally redoing the sprites.  Maybe using that cool
sprite editor (Einar's?) but I don't know how to read the files.  Maybe
it's documented but I don't think so.

>     ^--> Shield blocks his left side (if he has one) while attacking
>Ok, well the first thing should be a better attack.. the shield would
>more complex for the rotation model you use. (That would make some
>interresting battles, I suppose...) Maybe you could swordfight like
>and Darth Vader.. Use swords to block other swords...

I thought about that but I may not get around to it until I get
a lot of other stuff done.

>Oh well, just ideas... Get a demo with an environment you can move
>in with objects in his way first. (And adopt a fast graphics engine..

Mode X ?

>black boxes around your guy don't look right. :)

I plan on fixing that.

>Oh, and a better looking (but same functionality) delay routine:
>procedure delay()
>   atom oldtime
>   oldtime = time()
>   while oldtime = time() do end while -- Wait until clock updates
>end procedure
>tick_rate(100) -- 100 frames per second!

OK, I'll try that, It might run smoother too.

>PS: I don't remember what version of Vector you have. The current
>you change secondary weapons with the SHIFT key and fire them with

I must not have the current version.

>It's akward, so I need to find better keys. I'll work on it tonight.

Actually I like it that way:  in games where you can change the key
config, I usually change it to something like that (ctrl, alt, shift and
arrow keys).  Maybe you should set Vector up so that the user/player can
configure the keys.  Hey, make save/load game options too ;).

PS- I don't have a "daily update" for Balenfaire today. I got
a lot of coding done but nothing that actually changes the
way it looks

Lewis Townsend
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