Travelling north/sprite engine

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Hi all,

Just a short note to mention that I'm moving
to Townsville over the coming week so after
Tuesday, I'll probably be off-line for most
of the next fortnight. I'm leaving my current
E-mail account active for now, so if anyone
mails me, I'll get it eventually.

Townsville is on the east coast of central
Queensland at the southern end of the Great
Barrier Reef. It is 1570km North of Brisbane
where I live now.


My sprite engine is 75% of the way through
a complete re-write. It does tiling and
scrolling etc. and I've added a simple
parser so sprites can be pre-programmed
using something like:

sequence oc
oc=parse_prog("MOVE-25,200,80,{3,5,7};MVTO 3,1.3,55,8;"

The code above translates to:

 move to a point 25 pixels left an 200 pixels
 down the screen at 80 pixels per second, animating
 the sprite with images 3,5 and 7.

 move towards sprite 3 at for 1.3 seconds
 at a speed of 55 pixels per second using
 image 8

 move back to the sprite's starting point at
 80 pixels per second animating using images
 10,11,12 then 11 again (then looping back to
 the start of course)

 Wait for 2.6 seconds (animation continues)

 Loop to start of program

After executing, the sprite runs through
the program without any further input.

There are a couple of other commands
for hiding and unhiding sprites and
changing their collision detect status
and animation delay and stuff...

Allah only knows when I'm going to get
time to get it finished though.




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