File retrieval (was: EuPgms by mail)

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Well, I have adapted my Play By e-Mail Server [it is not in Euphoria of
course, there has never been a BSD/OS version sad] to also include a
lynxmail service...

    To: pbmserv at
    Subject: get -uu
    Subject: get -t

Syntax: get [-t] [-uu] URL ...
    -t  textified, URLs preserved (else HTML source)
    -uu uuencode (else not)
    URL chars allowed: %&+-./0-9:=?@A-Z_a-z~

To get ftp directory listing, put the directory in the URL. (You can try it
both ways, one using -t and the other not, to get the idea how directory
listings are provided either way.)

To access non-anonymous servers use this syntax:
ftp://user:password at

If you need a character that is not allowed, use %XX (XX is hexadecimal),
e.g. %6F is 'o' (but 'o' is supported!). So to include a REAL percent-sign
'%', use %25. An at-sign '@' is %40. A colon is %3A... I think. Etc.

To get a binary file (e.g. a zipfile) you MUST use -uu. Failure to do so
will put the binary right in the reply mail, and will cause it to be
unusable. (No base64 support, at least not yet.)

The file will NOT be split. If you have problems receiving big mails, you
should ask the ftpadmin/webmaster to split the file into some smaller
pieces. Please note that -uu adds ca. 35% to 40% of the file size!

Well, I would like to advertise here... blink

    To: pbmserv at
    Subject: help

will give you a helpfile on using my Play By e-Mail Server. It is FREE!

I want more players... smile
(btw, you don't really need to be a player to use get...)

[complete original message follows, since this topic was discussed quite a
while ago]

At Mon, 25 May 1998 15:36:54 -0400, mountains at MINDSPRING.COM wrote:
>We get letters:
>Lmailles <Lmailles at AOL.COM>
>In England we have to pay for local phone calls,
>and my machine is a 386, so web access is very slow,
>even with images turned off, it takes a number of
>seconds to render a page and scrolling sends you to sleep.
>Buddy Hyllberg <budmeister1 at JUNO.COM>
>I don't have web access either... a mail-bot would be nice :)
>Kinda like Juno's juno_accmail autobot?
>Alan Tu <ATU5713 at COMPUSERVE.COM>
>My machine is still an outpost of DOS (due to the fact that I am legally
>blind and the software that would be required for me for
>use Windows 95 using speech is about $700+).
>Therefore, I go online using propriety DOS software, and don't
>have Web access.
>Ok, I'll give this a try:
>I have a list of e-mailable files available. They are all
>either .e, .ex, or zip files uue encoded. The largest ones
>on my website are excluded from the list for obvious reasons.
>To get an index of available files, send e-mail to:
>mountains at
>with a subject line of: send index
>To get a file, use a subject line of: send <filename>
>If there is much demand for this, I'll have to write a mailserver
>(in Euphoria, of course!). If I ignore your request, it's because
>I have found gainful employment ;)

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