Re: Resources and Euphoria (Opening a new thread)

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At 04:48 PM 6/3/98 +0200, Jesus wrote:

>I see, but I was trying to mean something different. I don't want to have
>one hundred files around. I.e. my thermometer program is made up of 31
>files, most of them bitmaps or includes.
>I would like to have a single .EXE file that once run could dynamically load
>those bitmaps from itself, without having any other dependent file.

Yes, this would be very useful.

>Moreover, I would like to be able of changing the bitmaps without touching
>the binded executable.
>So I was proposing to have a single file with a dual contents. At the
>beginning, the normal .EXE. After the .EXE, a kind of "resource" file that
>would consist on an array (or sequence) of headers that would describe the
>later contents. A header should have a couple of pointers -where the
>resource begins and its length-, a name -to identify it-, a descriptor -to
>know what kind of resource is-, etc.
>Thus I could change a single bitmap by adding it at the end of the .EXE and
>updating the pointer and lenght parameters... You can think even in using
>text resources to localize your program to different languages. Adding a new
>language would be a matter of changing pointers and adding resources.

Good idea, as long as the implementation is not as awkward as
in Tubbo Pascal/C, where all resources must be loaded with
arcane incantations...

>And the global benefit is a single file to store everything. If you want to
>discard it, just a single delete command. No .INI, no registry...

Except the .INI; it is sometimes very necessary to use a text
editor on an ini to get a program running properly.


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