Re: getSysColor

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Jesus wrote:

>>When I run the EX15 example, everything is okay, but if I modify it =
just to
>>add my own bitmaps (to draw  L.E.D. like digits) I get an error on
>>getSysColor not being defined...
>>Surprisingly, neither in Win32Lib or the enclosed includes did appear =
>>references to it...

I'm not sure I understand the error. I tried running your example code =
(commenting out the bitmaps, which I don't have, and adding a WinMain() =
call), and didn't get any errors.

The function getSysColor() is defined as global in WIN32LIB.EW, and is =
supposed to be in all three platforms of Win32. (insert puzzled =
expression here)

I suspect I'm misunderstanding your question.

-- David Cuny

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