- Posted by CHARN1407 at AOL.COM May 30, 1998
I need help. I made these two routines: include svga.e include graphics.e atom destination, what, howmuch, junk destination = allocate (10000) what = 4 howmuch = 10000 junk = graphics_mode (261) procedure putregion(atom x, atom y, atom xwidth, atom ywidth, atom location) object data -- read & write picture data 1 line at a time for counter=0 to xwidth * ywidth by xwidth do data = peek ({location+counter,xwidth}) pixel (data, {x,y}) end for end procedure procedure test_putregion(atom destination, atom what, atom howmuch) atom x, y, xwidth, ywidth mem_set (destination, what, howmuch) x=10 y=10 xwidth=100 ywidth=100 putregion(x,y,xwidth, ywidth, destination) end procedure ...and there are other things so I don't think i missed anything obvious When I run it I get an error that says bytes_per_line has no value in Pete's svga.e I'm inclined to think that my program is at fault. Anyway, this is part of ex.err: xwidth = 100'd' ywidth = 100'd' in both procedures putregion and test_putregion! I assigned them 100. Could someone tell me what is wrong? TIA, Charn