Spelling error in error message

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Mr. Craig,

Thanks for your posting the error messages list. While I was reading it,
I noticed one of the messages had a typo consisting of "sequnce" instead of
"sequence", and I decided to see if it was a typo in your e-mail or if the
was also in the interpreter. I used this test program (test.ex):

        sequence x
        x = {1,2,3}
        ? x[{2}]

And I get this error message (and corresponding file ex.err):

        subscript must be an atom
        (reading an element of a sequnce)

        Global & Local Variables

            x = {1,2,3}

So as you see the typo "sequnce" is also present in the interpreter. Sure, not
big deal, but I wanted you to know it anyways. Best regards...

Carlos Gonzalia, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina, South America
gonzalia at criba.edu.ar

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