Re: Anyone know anything about trigonometry?
- Posted by Jiri Babor <jbabor at PARADISE.NET.NZ> Sep 06, 2001
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_003F_01C1371C.2C84D7C0 charset="Windows-1252" David, they are not arcs. They are quite complex ballistic curves. But let's assume we live in a complete vacuum, as some of us do, then we can approximate them very well with parabolas. And parabolas are dead easy to calculate, even to draw. The attached small demo is, I hope, sufficiently commented to give you reasonable idea how to proceed. jiri ----- Original Message ----- From: <dstanger at> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at> Sent: Thursday, 6 September 2001 16:57 Subject: Anyone know anything about trigonometry? > > Hello all, > > Does anyone know anything about trigonometry? I am interested in making a > "dueling artillery" game but cannot fathom the math needed to plot arcs. I > know that it has something to do with arc, tan, and cos (?) but what?! > > So this is a call to all you mathematicians on the list ;) > > Thanks a lot, > David S. > > > ------=_NextPart_000_003F_01C1371C.2C84D7C0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Gun.ex" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Gun.ex" -- gun.ex -- jiri babor -- jbabor at -- 6 Sep 2001 include graphics.e constant d2r =3D PI/180 -- degrees-to-radians factor constant g =3D 5 -- acceleration due to gravity object o sequence vc -- video configuration atom hspeed,vspeed,x,x0,y,y0 integer angle, color, key, speed, toggle,xmax,ymax procedure show_header() text_color(BLUE) puts(1, "enter : toggle lines/dots\n") puts(1, "up : increase angle\n") puts(1, "down : decrease angle\n") puts(1, "right : increase speed\n") puts(1, "left : decrese speed\n") puts(1, "c : change trace color\n") puts(1, "delete: clear screen\n") puts(1, "space : fire\n") puts(1, "esc : quit\n") text_color(RED) position(11, 1) if toggle then puts(1, "lines") else puts(1, "dots ") end if position(12, 1) printf(1, "angle : %2d", angle) position(13, 1) printf(1, "speed :%3d", speed) position(14, 1) printf(1, "color : %2d", color) end procedure procedure fire() hspeed =3D speed * cos(angle*d2r) -- horizontal speed component vspeed =3D -speed * sin(angle*d2r) -- vertical speed component x0 =3D 0 -- initial projectile position y0 =3D ymax -- also gun position x =3D x0 -- projectile hor. position y =3D y0 -- projectile ver. position while x <=3D xmax and y <=3D ymax do vspeed +=3D g -- new vertical speed x +=3D hspeed -- new projectile position y +=3D vspeed if toggle then draw_line(color, {{x0, y0},{x, y}}) else pixel(color, {x, y}) end if x0 =3D x y0 =3D y end while end procedure -- initial (default) parameters: angle =3D 60 -- gun angle from horizontal speed =3D 60 -- nozzle speed toggle =3D 1 -- draw lines color =3D 15 -- BRIGHT_WHITE, initial trace color o =3D graphics_mode(18) -- 640x480x16 vc =3D video_config() xmax =3D vc[5]-1 ymax =3D vc[6]-1 show_header() ellipse(7,1,{-5,ymax-5},{5,ymax+5}) -- gun key =3D get_key() while key !=3D 27 do -- escape if key =3D 328 then -- up arrow if angle < 80 then angle +=3D 1 position(12, 9) printf(1, "%2d", angle) end if elsif key =3D 336 then -- down arrow if angle > 10 then angle -=3D 1 position(12, 9) printf(1, "%2d", angle) end if elsif key =3D 333 then -- right arrow if speed < 100 then speed +=3D 1 position(13, 8) printf(1, "%3d", speed) end if elsif key =3D 331 then -- left arrow if speed > 10 then speed -=3D 1 position(13, 8) printf(1, "%3d", speed) end if elsif key =3D 13 then -- enter: dots/lines toggle toggle =3D not toggle position(11, 1) if toggle then puts(1, "lines") else puts(1, "dots ") end if elsif key =3D 32 then -- space: fire! fire() elsif key =3D 'c' then -- change trace color color +=3D 1 if color > BRIGHT_WHITE then color =3D GREEN end if position(13, 9) printf(1, "%2d", color) elsif key =3D 339 then -- delete: clear screen clear_screen() show_header() ellipse(7,1,{-5,ymax-5},{5,ymax+5}) end if key =3D get_key() end while o =3D graphics_mode(-1) -- back to text mode ------=_NextPart_000_003F_01C1371C.2C84D7C0--