GUI/Editor Update

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The latest version of my text-based GUI/Editor (how's that for an oxymoron?
Better than "TUI", though) is on Robert's Web page.

I've re-done the call routines to the GUI, so it should be much easier to
code to. There is a demo program included in the documentation explaining
how it all works. Please note that code written to the prior version of the
GUI will *not* work, but the conversion is not difficult. As usual, feel
free to drop me an e-mail if you run into problems, or have questions about
how it all works.

Although there are not been a lot of visible changes to the editor, I've
made quite a number a lot of behind-the-scenes changes. The program seems to
be stable, but since I've re-coded *all* the editor routines to the new GUI
calls, there is a chance that a new bug or two creeped in. If you encounter
any problems, please let me know.

The main (visible) changes of interest are:

   - Multiple screen resolutions
   - Mono/Color VGA detect
   - Alt-Gr key supported

And, as usual, the usual list of bug fixes, large and small.

 -- David Cuny

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