Some useful routines [LONG]

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(Continued from previous message)

                    radius * sin(int_angle) + center[Y]}
        circ_points = append(circ_points,newpoint)
    end for
end procedure
-- sets.e
-- implements a generic set type for Euphoria.

-- set type - just a sequence, including an empty one

global type set(sequence s)
    return 1
end type

-- s = set_incl(s,o) - includes object o as element of s.

global function set_incl(set s, object o)
    integer found

    if s = {} then
        return {o}
    end if
    found = find(o,s)
    if not found then
        return append(s,o)
        return s
    end if
end function

-- s = set_excl(s,o) - excludes object o from set s

global function set_excl(set s, object o)
    integer found

    found = find(o,s)
    if found then
        return s[1..found-1] & s[found+1..length(s)]
        return s
    end if
end function

-- s = set_union(s1,s2) - returns set of all elements from either set

global function set_union(set s1, set s2)
    set newset

    newset = s1
    for i = 1 to length(s2) do
        newset = set_incl(newset,s2[i])
    end for
    return newset
end function

-- b = set_member(s,o) - returns 1 (true) if o is a member of s

global function set_member(set s, object o)
    return (find(o,s) != 0)
end function

-- b = set_empty(s) - returns 1 (true) if set is empty (no members)

global function set_empty(set s)
    return (length(s) = 0)
end function

-- s = set_intersection(s1, s2) - return set of elements in both sets

global function set_intersection(set s1, set s2)
    set newset

    newset = {}
    for i = 1 to length(s1) do
        if set_member(s2,s1[i]) then
            newset = set_incl(newset,s1[i])
        end if
    end for
    return newset
end function

-- s = set_difference(s1, s2) - return elements of s1 not in s2.

global function set_difference(set s1, set s2)
    set newset

    newset = {}
    for i = 1 to length(s1) do
        if not set_member(s2,s1[i]) then
            newset = set_incl(newset,s1[i])
        end if
    end for
    return newset
end function

-- s = set_symmdiff(s1, s2) returns elements of both s1 and s2 that are not
-- in both.

global function set_symmdiff(set s1, set s2)
    set union
    set intersect
    set newset

    union = set_union(s1, s2)
    intersect = set_intersection(s1, s2)
    newset = set_difference(union, intersect)
    return newset
end function

...more to come....

Jeff Zeitlin                                      jeff.zeitlin at
 ~ OLXWin 1.00b ~ I used to have a handle on life, then it broke.

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