sending data to a web page
- Posted by Pete Stoner <peter_stoner at> Mar 04, 2005
For an existing application I need to open a web page and enter text into one of its frames, I have a macro which does it (for IBM Personnel communications), but I cannot launch the macro from my program so I need to somehow perform the same actions.. Can anyone see how the macro below is doing it and is there a way to do the same with EU? (you will not be able to access the web page as it is an intranet site) [PCOMM SCRIPT HEADER] LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT DESCRIPTION= [PCOMM SCRIPT SOURCE] Dim mtype, subtype, oIE, cgi_param, ie_busy, obj_shell autECLConnMgr.autECLConnList.Refresh autECLSession.SetConnectionByName (ThisSessionName) 'INITIALISE: Get machine type & model mtype = autECLSession.autECLPS.GetText(10, 8, 4) subtype = "-" & autECLSession.autECLPS.GetText(10, 32, 3) If InStr(mtype, " ") > 0 Then mtype = "" subtype = "" End If If InStr(subtype, " ") Then subtype = "" End If '---DEBUG: Display data values--- 'MsgBox("Active Session = " & ThisSessionName & "." & vbCr & _ ' "Type = " & mtype & "." & vbCr & _ ' "Subtype = " & subtype & "." 'OPEN INTERNET EXPLORER: Change child frames to the correct URLs cgi_param = "info?page=" & mtype & subtype Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'NOTE: 2nd param of "IE_" and function "Sub IE_onQuit():ie_active=0:End Sub" fails within an RCMS macro (but not a VB script), so... find an alternative method e.g. "On Error". oIE.Visible = 1 On Error Resume Next 'Do not crash, with errors if IE is closed down - handle with code instead. oIE.navigate "" If Len(mtype) > 0 Then Do:ie_busy=0:ie_busy=oIE.Busy:Loop Until (ie_busy<>True) 'IMPORTANT: Wait till MSIE is ready If (ie_busy=False) Then oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").Navigate "" & cgi_param oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("SearchResults").Navigate "" & cgi_param & ";doctype=Hot+news" oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("leftSide").Navigate "" & cgi_param End If Set obj_shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") obj_shell.AppActivate "IBM Worldwide HelpCenters InfoTips" Set obj_shell = Nothing Do:ie_busy=0:ie_busy=oIE.Busy:Loop Until (ie_busy<>True) 'IMPORTANT: Wait till MSIE is ready 'Middle Frame (3 possible results): password.html (webpage not loaded), not_found.html (machine not found), ?page=2136-E04 (success) Wait(0.2) 'Make allowances for IE (found this is sometimes needed during extensive testing) If (ie_busy=False) Then If Right(oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").location.href, 13) = "password.html" Then 'CHILD FRAMES FAILED TO LOAD --> RETRY. oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").Navigate "" & cgi_param oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("SearchResults").Navigate "" & cgi_param & ";doctype=Hot+news" oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("leftSide").Navigate "" & cgi_param Do:ie_busy=0:ie_busy=oIE.Busy:Loop Until (ie_busy<>True) 'IMPORTANT: Wait till MSIE is ready Wait(0.2) 'Make allowances for IE (found this is sometimes needed during extensive testing) End If End If If (ie_busy=False) Then If Right(oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").location.href, 14) = "not_found.html" Then 'RETRY: Use Machine Type only cgi_param = "info?page=" & mtype oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").Navigate "" & cgi_param oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("SearchResults").Navigate "" & cgi_param & ";doctype=Hot+news" oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("leftSide").Navigate "" & cgi_param Do:ie_busy=0:ie_busy=oIE.Busy:Loop Until (ie_busy<>True) 'IMPORTANT: Wait till MSIE is ready Wait(0.2) 'Make allowances for IE (found this is sometimes needed during extensive testing) If (ie_busy=False) Then If Right(oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").location.href, 14) = "not_found.html" Then oIE.document.frames("changeFrame").frames("mainBody").Navigate "" 'NOTE: No need to change LHS & RHS frame, as these will show the default page, rather than a not found webpage MsgBox "Machine type '" & mtype & subtype & "' was not found!" End If End If End If End If End If oIE.Visible = 1 'Re-active IE as active window On Error Goto 0 Function Wait(secs) ' WScript.Sleep milli_secs 'WScript object not available in Pers. Com. macro - use Timer instead. Dim t t = Timer Do Until (Timer - t) > secs 'Wait X seconds Loop End Function 'Example frame URLs: Machine Type/Model '(changeFrame.leftSide) '(changeFrame.mainBody) '(changeFrame.SearchResults);doctype=Hot+news 'Example frame URLs: Machine Type/Model, Category: "Hints and Tips\ECA" ' ' ';doctype=Hints+and+tips;subtype=ECA;docstart=0 'Sub IE_onQuit() ' MsgBox "Quit..." ' WScript.Quit 'NOTE: Can not use "WScript" or "Quit()" within an RCMS macro. 'End Sub Thanks, Pete.