Re: rotateing
- Posted by Hayden McKay <hmck1 at> Mar 02, 2005
Ahh yes! thanks guys. Also there was another problem deg/=100 needed to be "deg*PI/180" ie: radans even though all the info I found on the internet used the word degrees. so I coded this
function make_cos() sequence s s=tabletype() for i=0 to 360 do s[i+1]=cos(i*PI/180) end for end function function make_sin() sequence s s=tabletype() for i=0 to 360 do s[i+1]=sin(i*PI/180) end for end function constant lookup_cos=make_cos() constant lookup_sin=make_sin()
I stress again thanks.. It should'nt be hard for me now to rotate a 3d coord arround an arbituary axis!