install script for wxEuphoria?
- Posted by Jerry Story <story.jerry at gmail.c??> Sep 30, 2007
Could someone make an install script for wxEuphoria that would do the following things? [quote from install.txt in wxEuphoria] * Put: wxEuphoria/include/wxeud.e ...into a directory on your $EUINC path. If you're not sure which those directories are, from the command line: $ echo $EUINC * You must have wxWidgets 2.8 installed, either from your distribution's package management system, or by building it from source. See for more information about wxWidgets. * You can try to use the binary: wxEuphoria/bin/ installing it into /usr/local/lib. You'll need root priveledges. Then you'll need to run ldconfig. For Linux: # ldconfig /usr/local/lib or # /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib [end quote] Installing wxeud.e is probably of no interest to 99% of the people who download wxEuphoria programs. For people who just want to run wxEuphoria programs and have no interest in making them, installing probably would be sufficient.