Re: Portable Window Library
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Mar 07, 2000
Brian Jackson wrote: > I'd love to see it! If it has enough support and > people want to use it on a large scale basis, I'd > even try to write a cross-platform version of > EuDesigner for it. I've uploaded the code to: There are two ZIP files. The Win32 code comes with a couple of demos. The first demo creates an empty window; the second draws a bunch of fake, static controls, and the third emulates a pushbutton. The X11 code runs on X Windows, and doesn't support much more than creating a window and drawing lines in it. There aren't even any demos included with it, although the code exposes a lot of X11 routines. There's also a table on my web page showing the correlation between the mwLib routines and Win32/X11/Macintosh calls. Let me know what you think. Thanks! -- David Cuny