Re: Preprocessor

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>>>From: Christian Cuvier <Christian.CUVIER at>
>>>Reply-To: EUforum at
>>>To: EUforum at
>>>Subject: Re: Preprocessor
>>>Date: 18 Nov 2003 13:07:54 +0100
>>>> > Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 13:49:51 +0000
>>>> > From: "Stewart MacKenzie-Leigh" <stewartml89 at>
>>>> > Subject: Preprocessor
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I am writing a preprocessor for eu.
>>>> >
>>>> > It will do much of the same stuff as PP, only it will have support for
>>>> > classes and structures.
>>>> > If anyone has any other ideas for it, please say.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> >
>>>> > _________________
>>>> >
>>>> > StewartML
>>>	I started a preprocessor project about 1 year ago, called idEu. It
>>>implements classes, structs, macros, goto, more loop flow control
>>>statements, a select/case construct, plus about 30 to 40 additional
>>>features. Still got a couple of them to test and debug, the others
>>>respond correctly in short code snippets.
>>>	As I'm currently working an another language (OpenEuphoria)
>>>documentation, this was stalled for a few months. Hope to complete this
>>>project though.
>>>	Testing and rewriting the yet uninspected code may take 1 month. After
>>>that, there's a doc to write (nothing was done yet)
>>>                 and test on a largish scale project to perform, as
>>>interaction between features may be tricky sometimes and short snippets
>>>won't catch the subtle bugs. Could release Q3, 2004.
>>>	If you want to help, that's very much welcome.
> I would be willing to help - I need some sort of stable project.  What can I 
> do to help?
> By the way, I've stalled the preprocessor at the moment, I only started it 
> because I was bored. 
> StewartML
	I hope that every feature will be working in the expected way by March-April 
2004. Then
- there's no docs atm
- The project won't be tested in a large scale (2k-4k lines) project, and this 
is (I think) the only way to catch feature interaction bugs before they spread.

	If I perform both of these, I'm afraid that would be a 6 month effort. If 
somebody else has a bit more free time than I, it would help.
	I can send you the progress sheet I use to remember what works and what 
doesn't privately if you wish, so that you get an idea of what will be 
provided. The main program file is about 5500 lines of text, from which 
800-1000 are comments. There aren't enough comments.


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