RE: EuGrid display modification

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Thanks for this.  I am currently working on a release which incorporates 
the rest of your changes so I will include this as well.

Just out of interest, it ended up being an owner-draw button because 
win32lib wouldn't let me create a plain window as a child window at the 
time. Don't know if it has changed since - if it has I might get round 
to amending the lib one day as the owner-draw code was/is a pain...



Matt Lewis wrote:
> Phil,
> I found a weird side effect of using an owner drawn button for the grid. 
>  If you display an element with the '&' character, windows thinks you're 
> trying to define a keyboard shortcut (like with a menu).  I added the 
> following function (from Derek--see the mailing list in September 2002) 
> and changed
> EGW_drawText:
> function replace_elem(sequence s, object a, object b)
> 	sequence t
> 	integer n,m
> 	if atom(a) then
> 		a = {a}
> 	end if
> 	if atom(b) then
> 		b = {b}
> 	end if
> 	-- Create a buffer big enough to cater for worst case 
> 	-- replacement.
> 	t = repeat(0, (floor(length(s) / length(a)) + 1) * length(b))
> 	m = 1
> 	while 1 do
> 		n = match(a, s)
> 		if n then
> 			t[m..m+n-2] = s[1..n-1]
> 			m += (n-1)
> 			t[m..m+length(b)-1] = b
> 			m += (length(b))
> 			s = s[n+length(a) .. length(s)]
> 		else
> 			t[m..m+length(s)-1] = s
> 			m += (length(s))
> 			exit
> 		end if
> 	end while
> 	return t[1..m-1]
> end function
> procedure EGW_drawText( atom hdc, integer x, integer y,
> 	integer cx, integer cy,						object textin, atom color,
> 	atom font, atom align, atom multiline )
> 	atom oldfont, oldcolor, oldbkmode, pstr, rect, ret
> 	sequence text
> 	-- Select default font into device context
> 	oldfont = w32Func(xSelectObject, {hdc, font})
> 	-- Set the text colour
> 	oldcolor = w32Func(xSetTextColor, {hdc, color} )
> 	oldbkmode = w32Func(xSetBkMode, {hdc, TRANSPARENT } )
>  	-- Convert atom to sequence if necessary
>  	if atom(textin) then
>  		textin = {textin}
> 	end if
> 	-- mwl 11/18/03:
> 	text = replace_elem(textin, "&", "&&")
> of procedure unchanged...
> Now it properly displays the character.
> Matt Lewis

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