The Euphoria Micro-Economy

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Introducing ... The Euphoria Micro-Economy

Each registered user is now entitled to donate or "vote" $1.00 U.S.
of RDS's money per calendar month. He/She can contribute money
to any file (program) on the Recent User Contributions or Archive pages
except his/her own. The author or authors of that program
will be credited with that amount towards any future registrations or
upgrades of Euphoria.

The goals are:
    - give the users of a contributed file a chance to reward the author
    - give people a way to reduce or even eliminate the cost of Euphoria
      registrations and upgrades
    - give contributors some feedback about the usefulness and potential
      marketability of programs that they develop
    - encourage more and better contributions
    - highlight particularly good contributions

Some Rules:
    - any existing or new file on the RDS site is eligible for donations
    - registered users only are entitled to e-mail RDS once a month
      indicating which programs they are voting their $1.00 for
    - if you don't vote your $1.00 during a given calendar month,
      you lose it. You can't accumulate it over several months
      and then vote it all at once.
    - You are encouraged to divide up your $1.00 as you see fit.
      Donate it all for one program, or divide it up amongst several,
      but please don't pick more than 10 different programs at one time.


         For the month of February I hereby vote:

             1. xxxx by author y: 0.60
             2. zzzz by author p: 0.25
             3. wwww by author q: 0.15

         Include your full name and approximate geographical
         location so we know for sure that you are registered.

    - you can vote for any file, be it a program, documentation, set
      of library routines etc.
    - people will be credited for all the money voted towards all
      of their contributed files
    - the money that you earn can only be used to reduce the cost
      of registrations and upgrades - other than that, it has no cash value
    - if there are 2 or more authors, they will share the proceeds from
      a particular program. If a program uses an include file donated
      by someone else, only the main authors will be credited, not the
      include file donor.

Criteria for Voting:
    - By voting some money for a particular file (program), you are
      highlighting that program for other people to take notice of. You
      are also encouraging the author to continue to work on that program.

    - We can't control how you vote, but we hope you will vote for
      programs, include files etc. that you have found to be useful, well-
      documented, educational and of high quality. If you use an include
      file donated by someone else in one of your programs, we hope
      you will donate some money for that include file.

    - With each new calendar month you can vote $1.00 again, any way
      that you like. You can vote for the same programs again if you want,
      or include some new programs. It's up to you.

    - If we see obvious cases where 2 people are voting the max for
      eachother every month we will disallow it.

    - Your vote will be anonymous. Only you and RDS will know how you
      voted. RDS will not modify your vote in any way.

    - RDS itself will not vote money towards any program, and you should
      not vote any money towards a program contributed by RDS.

Display on the Web Site:

RDS will periodically update programs on the Web site to show
how much money they have earned.

Claiming your discount:

To claim your discount, contact RDS before registering or upgrading.
If you want to go through PsL we can arrange for you to claim
your discount as an "upgrade" discount, or we can ship you the manual
for free or something like that. If it's a check or money order you can
subtract your earned money from what you pay us. You can also use
your earned money to let someone else register or upgrade for free or
at a cheaper rate.

How much can I make?

There is no limit to what anyone can make, but if it gets too expensive,
RDS may choose to discontinue the system. We will honor whatever people have
earned up to that point.

When does it start?

Immediately. Registered users who wish to participate can send in their
February 1998 $1.00 vote selections now. We may have to adjust the rules
after an initial trial period, and after hearing what people think
about all this.

Final Note:

Do not be discouraged if your program does not attract as much
money as someone else's. That's life. The best program doesn't necessarily
make the most money. RDS appreciates all

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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