Re: Bullet Issue
- Posted by Icy_Viking 1 week ago
Thanks that was it. It was refreshing as it drawing over the bullets.I made a few modifications. It works. Now I just need to add a small timer delay so the bullets don't get fired too fast.
include std/ffi.e include raylib.e atom Width = 1024 atom Height = 720 InitWindow(Width,Height,"Bullets") SetTargetFPS(60) atom bullet_speed = 1.0 sequence bullets = {} integer bullet_visible = 0 constant X = 1, Y = 2 sequence bullet_pos = {GetScreenWidth() / 2, GetScreenHeight() / 2} atom bullet_x = GetScreenWidth() / 2 atom bullet_y = GetScreenHeight() / 2 while not WindowShouldClose() do if IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) then bullets = append(bullets,{bullet_x,bullet_y}) bullet_visible = 1 end if BeginDrawing() ClearBackground(BLACK) for i = length(bullets) to 1 by -1 do bullets[i][X] += bullet_speed if bullets[i][X] >= GetScreenWidth() then bullets = remove(bullets,i) continue end if if bullet_visible = 1 then --ClearBackground(BLACK) DrawCircleV({bullets[i][X],bullets[i][Y]},20,RED) end if end for DrawCircleV(bullet_pos,20,GREEN) EndDrawing() end while CloseWindow()