OMG is nothing sacred?
- Posted by jessedavis 2 months ago
Please refer to my last several posts regarding the archives and win32lib. This has turned into a nightmare of epic proportions.
After trying several versions of win32lib I picked the one with the fewest errors and went hunting. I changed the code to be what
I thought it should be. I finally got a win32lib that works using eu4.XX.
The most common problem was the person that wrote (edited, reworked) the code was using reserved words as variables; i.e. integer continue, routine, etc.
or things like using seq instead of sequence. Am I missing something here? Is there a different Euphoria I should be using?
I use the forum, wiki, and downloads for my information.
I am truly getting tired of chasing code of dubious value around the web: sourceforge, github, box and private sites. Why throw away
twenty years of code? Why not have a curated spot to keep this stuff?
I'm getting too old for this.
Happy New Year. I hope this gets better next year.