Re: Yet anther problem. Need HELP
- Posted by petelomax 1 week ago
I've got xCreateHatchBrush in v0.70.2 (specifically w32gdi.ew) but not v0.60.6
Ditto xCreatePatternBrush, and xFillRect (but latter in w32user.ew)
Maybe you've mixed up win32lib.ew and earlier versions of such include files.
(Oddly, FLOODFILLSURFACE is in all 4 versions I still have)
What's the version number at the start of your win32lib.ew?
You can get my latest win32lib(6/7) from a phix install or the file, or win32lib7 from PCAN (should work on 4.1.0 but I'm not promising that)
(Aside: Just noticed my win32lib7 says v0.70.3 on line 1 but 0.70.4a on line 7, though I think I'll leave it like that)