Raylib Wrapper 5.5 Released!
- Posted by Icy_Viking 2 weeks ago
I have finished wrapping Raylib 5.5 for openEuphoria. I've also added a simple animation example as well. The wrapper uses Greg's Euphoria FFI library. This allows the easy wrapping of C style structs.
include std/ffi.e include raylib.e constant MAX_FRAME_SPEED = 15 constant MIN_FRAME_SPEED = 1 constant WIDTH = 800 constant HEIGHT = 450 public enum tex_id, tex_width, tex_height, tex_mipmaps, tex_format InitWindow(WIDTH,HEIGHT,"Sprite Animation") sequence scarfy = LoadTexture("scarfy.png") sequence pos = {350.0,280.0} sequence frameRec = {0.0, 0.0, scarfy[tex_width] / 6, scarfy[tex_height]} integer currentFrame = 0 integer framesCounter = 0 integer framesSpeed = 8 SetTargetFPS(60) while not WindowShouldClose() do framesCounter += 1 if framesCounter >= 60 / framesSpeed then framesCounter = 0 currentFrame += 1 if currentFrame > 5 then currentFrame = 0 end if frameRec[1] = currentFrame * scarfy[tex_width] / 6 end if if IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) then framesSpeed += 1 elsif IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT) then framesSpeed -= 1 end if if framesSpeed > MAX_FRAME_SPEED then framesSpeed = MAX_FRAME_SPEED elsif framesSpeed < MIN_FRAME_SPEED then framesSpeed = MIN_FRAME_SPEED end if BeginDrawing() ClearBackground(RAYWHITE) DrawTexture(scarfy,15,40,WHITE) DrawRectangleLines(15,40,scarfy[tex_width],scarfy[tex_height],LIME) DrawRectangleLines(15 + frameRec[1],40 + frameRec[2], frameRec[3], frameRec[4], RED) for i = 1 to MAX_FRAME_SPEED do if i < framesSpeed then DrawRectangle(250 + 21 * i, 205,20,20,RED) DrawRectangleLines(250 + 21 * i,205,20,20,MAROON) end if end for DrawTextureRec(scarfy,frameRec,pos,WHITE) EndDrawing() end while UnloadTexture(scarfy) CloseWindow()