EuSDL3 Released (Preview)
- Posted by Icy_Viking 2 months ago
I have released EuSDL3 based off of the preview SDL3 build 3.1.3
This preview build is mostly stable, however things could change. I have made some demo programs. Everything works as is. I'll keep an eye on it as SDL3 updates. I've also been keeping an eye on SFML3 as well. This wrapper uses Greg's FFI euphoria library to help with handling structs and such.
You can get it from here:
include SDL3.e include std/ffi.e atom w = 800 atom h = 600 atom flags = SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE if SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO+SDL_INIT_EVENTS) = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to init SDL!\n") abort(0) end if sequence title = "Simple Window - Simple Event (Click 'X' to Close)" atom win = SDL_CreateWindow(title,w,h,flags) atom surface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(win) integer run = 0 atom event = 0 atom event_type = 0 event = allocate_struct(SDL_Event) while run = 0 do while SDL_PollEvent(event) != 0 do event_type = peek_type(event,C_UINT32) if event_type = SDL_EVENT_QUIT then run = 1 end if end while SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(win) end while SDL_DestroySurface(surface) SDL_DestroyWindow(win) SDL_Quit()