Re: A question about parsing

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So I've noticed that Euphoria has tools for defining and detecting commandline configuration. I'm wondering if there's something similar for DSLs, similar say to, but not as powerful, as a PEG parser.

At the moment, I'm using tokenize_string and pulling out the parts, viz

if length(cl) < 3 then 
    inCli = 1 
    sequence parse = {} 
    while 1 do 
        cl = {} 
        sequence cmd = prompt_string(prompt()) 
        if equal("exit", cmd) then 
        end if 
        puts(STDOUT, "\n") 
        sequence tokens = tokenize_string(cmd) 
        parse = tokens[1] 
        for i = 1 to length(parse) do 
            cl = append(cl, parse[i][TDATA]) 
        end for 
    end while 
end if 


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