Re: Phix: A Error Message i do not understand.
- Posted by petelomax in February
andreasWagner said...
[in] LPCSTR lpFileName, _in_ LPCSTR lpFileName,
Oooh! Never seen that style before, but yep, that's what MSDN is using these days.
Best I can tell they ripped out "_in_" in 2020 (weird "SAL" which I ignored anyway)
and now they've stuck this in. I guess it follows the traditional pattern for C++:
If it ain't broke, break it, if already broken, break it some more.
Nevermind, easily fixable:
cffi.e line 1292 said...
if match("_",mtype)=1 then -- "_In_", "_Inout_opt_", "_Out_" etc mtype = stoken()
Insert after said...
elsif equal(mtype,"[") then -- "[in]", "[in, optional]", etc while not equal(mtype,"]") do mtype = stoken() end while mtype = stoken()
(Methinks improving that error message is best left for a rainy day....)
Good catch, thanks.
PS gratuitous link for the 2020 reference:
PPS erm, make that 2019: