Re: Hypatia 3.0

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RobertS said...

... I just wish there would be more talk here about things that get actually done with Euphoria/Phix — who actually uses it, and how, and why, and for what purposes? This might draw and inspire potential new users more than all the discussions of possible new features in some future releases? ... Robert

Hallo Robert
this is what I'am working on (playing with)blink

Small program that communicates with an Arduino via Modbus. This is not really a project. Rather, it is old parts put together under a new hat. It's easier for me to use the old stuff than to start from scratch. The hat here is Phix and in particular the cffi system (which helped me with Windoes and the 64bit world) and the object orientation that allows me to try out new concepts. I am mainly interested in object orientation in Phix.

Thanks to Pete Lomax for Phix. Thanks to Deepl for the translation (my English is getting worse and worse)blink


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