Re: Weird Error
- Posted by Icy_Viking Apr 05, 2023
Thanks Greg. I had the naming thing wrong. I fixed it. The example works now. I'll keep your tips in mind.
I've also changed the the naming to libSDL2 and such for Linux/FreeBSD platforms. Yes I usually do my development under Windows, but I do have WSL installed, so I can test for Linux.
Updated example
include std/ffi.e include SDL.e include SDL_ttf.e if SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to init SDL!\n") abort(0) end if atom win = SDL_CreateWindow("Font Ex",10,10,800,600,SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) if win = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to create window!\n") abort(0) end if atom ren = SDL_CreateRenderer(win,-1,0) if ren = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to create renderer!\n") abort(0) end if atom x = TTF_Init() if x = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to init TTF!\n") abort(0) end if atom font = TTF_OpenFont("arial.ttf",20) if font = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to open font!\n") abort(0) end if atom r = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren,0,0,0,0) atom run = 1 --Color of text (default red) --change values to experiment with different colors sequence col = {255,0,0,0} atom h = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,"Hello World",col) atom ht = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(ren,h) atom evt = 0 atom evt_type = 0 atom key = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL) --allocate struct for position and size of text "Hello World" atom rect = allocate_struct(SDL_Rect,{800/4,600/4,200,200}) evt = allocate_struct(SDL_Event) while run = 1 do while SDL_PollEvent(evt) != 0 do evt_type = peek_type(evt,C_UINT32) if evt_type = SDL_QUIT then run = 0 end if end while --quick and dirty code to close program with ESC key SDL_PumpEvents() if peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) > 0 then run = 0 end if -- SDL_RenderClear(ren) SDL_RenderCopy(ren,ht,0,rect) SDL_RenderPresent(ren) end while SDL_DestroyRenderer(ren) SDL_DestroyWindow(win) TTF_CloseFont(font) TTF_Quit() SDL_Quit()