Re: On Programming Needs [pretty off-topic, i guess]

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axtens_bruce said...
katsmeow said...

Being able to search the variable list also drastically shortened time to locate data, because (for instance) i could generate a variable named "n.table", and below that ones named "n.table.locomotive" , "n.table.runner" , "n.table.chittychittybangbang" , etc.

That reads a bit like REXX arrays


I wasn't really addressing the way the data is named, as much as how the variable names can be searched for specific data. I can search for only "n." vars, or "v." vars.. or everything about the physical object "tables" or if i am searching for "*.runner.*" then "n.table.runner" will pop up. This can be handled by linked lists in Eu, but if more access is given to variables, like their creation/modification or a backdoor into type-checks, knowing the entire variable list so it can be munged like it were such a linked list of pointers to data would be warranted.

It just happened that using a native function of the programming language could generate new variable names, assigning data to any var caused the data to be saved to a disk file for any other program to read/modify/write/alarm on. The names, being plain strings, could be searched as easily. Actually, the data could be also, which would then give me the name of the variable it was in.


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