Re: "dumping" a map

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For what it's worth, here is my quick and dirty map_dump function. It relies on the key being prefixed with "m_" :

-- map investigation 
include std/io.e 
include std/map.e 
procedure map_dump(map m, integer offset) 
    integer s = map:size(m) 
    sequence k = map:keys(m) 
    sequence v = map:values(m) 
    for i = 1 to s do 
        if sequence(k[i]) and equal("m_", k[i][1..2]) then 
            writefln("[]>[]", {repeat(32, offset), k[i]}) 
            map_dump(v[i], offset+2) 
            writefln("[][] = []", {repeat(32, offset), k[i], v[i]}) 
        end if 
    end for 
end procedure 
map      tables = new()  -- map to hold tables data 
map      kids   = new()  -- map to hold kids 
map      smap   = new()  -- map to hold submap 
map:put(tables, "id", 1) 
map:put(tables, "name", "aaa") 
map:put(kids, 1, "alice") 
map:put(kids, 2, "tom") 
map:put(kids, 3, "wendy") 
map:put(tables, "m_kids", kids) 
map:put(smap, "test", "test") 
map:put(smap, "description", "long description") 
map:put(kids, "m_test", smap) 
map_dump(tables, 0) 

This gives the following output :

id = 1 
  1 = alice 
    description = long description 
    test = test 
  3 = wendy 
  2 = tom 
name = aaa 

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