Re: OpenEuphoria renamed to Euphoria ON EXERCISM
- Posted by axtens_bruce Feb 12, 2023
... don't expect to put something out there and have people show up. If you want to see this through, you'll need to shout it from the rooftops regularly to keep their attention.
So it would appear, thus the "speleological society" jab which was intended to be politely offensive. Clearly, if I want to be offensive I must be impolitely so.
Anyway, I'll keep plodding along. As you know, I recently launched a learning track on Exercism for a FORTH dialect called "8th". I've since heard back from the manufacturer that I've positively influenced their international exposure and bottom line. Ideally, I'd like to do similar things for Euphoria. Having another 100 or so Euphoria developers could make life considerably more entertaining for all of us.