Re: Definitive list of Euphoria libraries?

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axtens_bruce said...

So you know how there's and CPAN (for Perl) and CRAN (for R) and is it CTAN for TeX. Is there a list somewhere of libraries for Euphoria? For the Exercism track it'd be nice to be able to include in the learning resources where all the stuff can be found: Jean-Marc Duro's and Jeremy Cowgar's and Greg Haberek's libraries and all that.

This is one of the areas where you're starting to get too far ahead on Exercism compared to where we're at with the stability and lifecycle of Euphoria as a project. We do not have a definitive list of anything because things have been falling apart for the last decade. We need a good package management system and a repository for those packages but most importantly we need package authors and maintainers, and that includes people to build and operate the package system itself.


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