Ticket #937: assigning to integer destroys the object prematurely
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Nov 24, 2022
This raised a ton of questions for me
include std/io.e include std/error.e include std/unittest.e type enum boolean T,F=0 end type boolean enable_my_close = F procedure my_close(integer fh) if fh > io:STDERR then printf(io:STDERR, "Closing file %d\n", {fh}) if not enable_my_close then crash("premature file closing") end if close(fh) end if end procedure integer f_debug = open("example.log", "w") if f_debug =-1 then f_debug = open("/dev/null", "w") puts(io:STDERR, "Unable to create log file.") else f_debug = delete_routine(f_debug, routine_id("my_close")) end if enable_my_close = T test_report()
My interpretation of this is :
- call a routine with an integer as the first paremeter.
- the way it should work is the integer is passed (in this case f_debug), enacted, and then cleaned up afterwards
- the way the ticket implies it's working is that the integer is cleaned up straight away.
- this is beacause the integer has at some point had something called a destructor added to it
- and when this is present in this instance destroys the integer immediately on calling the routine.
Please correct me.
Is this still relevent?
Has it been fixed?
Why would anyone want to call a routine this way?