Re: Asking for help with Phix program under Linux

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Thank you for your reply! I know about virtual machines, but I'd have to put in a lot of effort and learn a lot about Linux to get to the point where I can set up Phix and test something and understand why it may not work, or how far I can trust it if it does.

For the online interpreter I'm afraid the program is too large, it's split into several files, and I see no way to upload them. Also, it would't give me an executable, and wouldn't tell me how it behaves on a "real" system. And with AWS, I'd still need to learn a lot about Linux, which I'll never need for anything else, and honestly, I don't want to pay Amazon to be able to test something I'm giving away for free.

So, I still hope for someone who already has Phix on a Linux machine, to be interested enough to spend maybe 15 minutes to be able to tell me if it works - but, yes, I know I should be Linux literate, I can only apologize for being not.

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