Re: Preliminary libffi progress
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Oct 21, 2022
If ffi replaces dll.e, and Phix doesn't need to call dll.e, are there going to be more compatability issues when using Andy's (copious) output of libraries, eg SDL2, raylib and so on? If ffi is going to make things easier for Euphoria, is it going to make things more difficult for Phix? Or will Phix users just be able to call ffi, and have the same access to libraries using it for Euphoria?
I don't think so? I plan to keep the existing std/dll.e library around for a while and just mark its routines with deprecate until it's finally removed. I cannot speak to Phix as I've honestly no idea how DLL interfacing works there.
Are we looking at a separation fork event?
I've always maintained that this project (the "OpenEuphoria" group) maintains the reference implementation for Euphoria and that Phix is a dialect of that. If Pete wants to maintain Phix's compatibility with Euphoria that's great, but I'm not concerned about the reverse.