Manage C structures

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I have updated my previous structure manager so that it can use C syntax. It is available here:

Here is the example code:

include std/dll.e 
include std/machine.e 
include std/console.e 
include common.e 
include structs.e 
sequence myStructure =  
"struct _mydata {" & 
"  int a;" & 
"  float b;" & 
"  char c;" & 
"} bar;" 
f_debug = open("debug.log", "w") 
debug_level = VERBOSE 
sequence struct = allocateStructure(myStructure) 
writeStructure(struct, {allocate_string("A string"), 12, 25.2} ) 
sequence s = readStructure(struct) 
printf(1, "s2[1] = %s, s2[2] = %d, s2[3] = %4.1f\n", {peek_string(s[1]), s[2], s[3]}) 

The parser is ready for nested structures and unions (see decompose_struct.ex, result below) but the manager can only deal with simple structures yet: one level, no union, no nesting.

sequence myStructure =  
"struct _mydata {" & 
"    int which_one;" & 
"    union _data {" & 
"            int a;" & 
"            float b;" & 
"            char c;" & 
"    } foo;" & 
"} bar;" 

vars = 
  [SU_TYPE_NAME] "_mydata" 
  [SU_VAR_NAME] "bar" 
  .  [1] "int which_one;" 
  .  [2] 
  .  .  [SU_TYPE] UNION 
  .  .  [SU_TYPE_NAME] "_data" 
  .  .  [SU_VAR_NAME] "foo" 
  .  .  [SU_BLOCK] {"int a;", "float b;", "char c;"} 


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