Re: Object-oriented preprocessor
- Posted by jmduro Aug 26, 2022
If the preprocessor was not in alpha stage following win32lib demo (mletext.exw) could have been written in OOP style:
include win32lib_r2.ew without warning constant w = create(Window, "MLE Test", 0, 0, 0, 400, 300, 0), m = create(MleText, "", w, 10, 10, 200, 200, 0) setText(m, "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3") WinMain(w, Normal)
OOP style:
include win32lib_r2.ew as win class TWindow integer id sequence caption atom pOwner object x object y object cx object cy object styleFlags procedure create(sequence params) self.caption = params[1] self.pOwner = params[2] self.x = params[3] self.y = params[4] = params[5] = params[6] self.styleFlags = params[7] = win:create(Window, self.caption, self.pOwner, self.x, self.y,,, self.styleFlags) end procedure end class class TMleText integer id sequence caption atom pOwner object x object y object cx object cy object styleFlags procedure create(sequence params) self.caption = params[1] self.pOwner = params[2] self.x = params[3] self.y = params[4] = params[5] = params[6] self.styleFlags = params[7] = win:create(MleText, self.caption, self.pOwner, self.x, self.y,,, self.styleFlags) end procedure procedure set(sequence params) win:setText(, params[1]) end procedure function get(sequence params) win:getText(MleText) end function end class sequence win = new(TWindow) win.create({"MLE Test", 0, 0, 0, 400, 300, 0}) sequence mle = new(TMleText) mle.create({"", w, 10, 10, 200, 200, 0}) mle.set({"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"}) WinMain(, Normal)
This sould have been translated to:
include win32lib_r2.ew as win without warning procedure class_proc(sequence entity, integer method, sequence params = {}) call_proc(entity[method], {entity, params}) end procedure function class_func(sequence entity, integer method, sequence params = {}) return call_func(entity[method], {entity, params}) end function enum type TWINDOW TWINDOW_ID, TWINDOW_CAPTION, TWINDOW_POWNER, TWINDOW_X, TWINDOW_Y, TWINDOW_CX, TWINDOW_CY, TWINDOW_STYLEFLAGS, TWINDOW_CREATE end type sequence TWindow = {0,"",0,0,0,0,0,0, routine_id("TWindow_create")} function TWindow_create(sequence entity, sequence params) entity[TWINDOW_CAPTION] = params[1] entity[TWINDOW_POWNER] = params[2] entity[TWINDOW_X] = params[3] entity[TWINDOW_Y] = params[4] entity[TWINDOW_CX] = params[5] entity[TWINDOW_CY] = params[6] entity[TWINDOW_STYLEFLAGS] = params[7] entity[TWINDOW_ID] = win:create(Window, entity[TWINDOW_CAPTION], entity[TWINDOW_POWNER], entity[TWINDOW_X], entity[TWINDOW_Y], entity[TWINDOW_CX], entity[TWINDOW_CY], entity[TWINDOW_STYLEFLAGS]) return entity end function enum type TMLETEXT TMLETEXT_ID, TMLETEXT_CAPTION, TMLETEXT_POWNER, TMLETEXT_X, TMLETEXT_Y, TMLETEXT_CX, TMLETEXT_CY, TMLETEXT_STYLEFLAGS, TMLETEXT_CREATE, TMLETEXT_SET, TMLETEXT_GET end type sequence TMleText = {0,"",0.0,0,0,0,0,0, routine_id("TMleText_create"), routine_id("TMleText_set"), routine_id("TMleText_get")} function TMleText_create(sequence entity, sequence params) entity[TMLETEXT_CAPTION] = params[1] entity[TMLETEXT_POWNER] = params[2] entity[TMLETEXT_X] = params[3] entity[TMLETEXT_Y] = params[4] entity[TMLETEXT_CX] = params[5] entity[TMLETEXT_CY] = params[6] entity[TMLETEXT_STYLEFLAGS] = params[7] entity[TMLETEXT_ID] = win:create(MleText, entity[TMLETEXT_CAPTION], entity[TMLETEXT_POWNER], entity[TMLETEXT_X], entity[TMLETEXT_Y], entity[TMLETEXT_CX], entity[TMLETEXT_CY], entity[TMLETEXT_STYLEFLAGS]) return entity end function procedure TMleText_set(sequence entity, sequence params) win:setText(entity[TMLETEXT_ID], params[1]) end procedure function TMleText_get(sequence entity, sequence params) return win:getText(entity[TMLETEXT_ID]) end function sequence win = TWindow win = class_func(win, TWINDOW_CREATE, {"MLE Test", 0, 0, 0, 400, 300, 0}) sequence mle = TMleText mle = class_func(mle, TMLETEXT_CREATE, {"", win[TWINDOW_ID], 10, 10, 200, 200, 0}) class_proc(mle, TMLETEXT_SET, {"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"}) WinMain(win[TWINDOW_ID], Normal)
Targeted translated code has been tested: it works like the original demo.
Unfortunately, the preprocessor is far from being able to translate the code correctly. It doesn't work with multiple classes in same file. It doesn't work with trailing spaces, and so on.