Re: EuSDL 2.24.0 Released!
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Aug 24, 2022
Hi Andy,
Just been playing with the latest release, and adjusted it for Phix, here's my notes
SDL 2.24.0 notes put --/* --*/ around eu std incudes - Phix doesn't need them eg --/* include std/machine.e --*/ RenderWinn demo line 64 - function must return a value - added object VOID --mod CMB VOID = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren,0,0,0,0) WinImage.exw added object VOID line 70 --mod cmb VOID = SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(win) line 68 if peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) > 0 then mod to if (peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) > 0) then outer parentheses missing - doesn't regiter the escape key otherwise ColorWinDemo.exw Added VOIDS to these functions if (peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_W) > 0) then VOID = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren,255,0,0,0) --red VOID = SDL_RenderFillRect(ren,rect) elsif (peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_S) > 0) then VOID = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren,0,255,0,0) --green VOID = SDL_RenderFillRect(ren,rect) elsif (peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_A) > 0) then VOID = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren,0,0,255,0) --blue VOID = SDL_RenderFillRect(ren,rect) elsif (peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_D) > 0) then VOID = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren,0,0,0,255) --alpha or back to blank VOID = SDL_RenderFillRect(ren,rect) end if
I couldn't get GPUEx.exw, as it wouldn't load SDL2_gpu.dll, I have copies in system, sysWOW64, System 32, alongside the other SDL2 dlls. I couldn't get it to work with eu 4.10 either - is it working for you?