Get images or binary files from web form
- Posted by achury Jul 29, 2022
Hello all!
I am trying to do an web form where the people send me some text fields and 2 or 3 photos.
How can a cgi-bin to process this? I can get successly text files, but binary files don't work. (XAMPP on Windows 7 machine).
Any hint?
This is my first experiment:
<html><head></head><body> <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/prueba.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Your text: <input name="primero" /> <br> Your file: <input type="file" name="imagen" accept="image/png, .jpeg, .jpg, image/gif"> <br> <input type="submit" /> </form> </body></html>
This is the prueba.cgi, based on cgitest file I have take and modified from examples on the archive:
#!eui -- test program for euphoria cgi -- comment/uncomment the following to test the EUINC variable with batch include std/io.e include std/pretty.e sequence cmd -- if val is a string, return it, otherwise "Undefined" function test_val(object val) if atom(val) then return "Undefined" elsif object(val) then for i = 1 to length(val) do if not atom(val[i]) then return "Invalid string sequence" end if end for return val else return "Invalid type for string" end if return "foozle" -- never reached end function procedure env_dump(sequence val) printf(1, "%s: %s\n", {val, test_val(getenv(val))} ) end procedure puts(1, "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n") puts(1, "Hello!\n\n") puts(1, "COMMAND LINE\n============\n\n") cmd = command_line() for i = 1 to length(cmd) do printf(1, "%d: %s\n", {i, cmd[i]} ) end for puts(1, "\n\nREMOTE INFO\n===========\n") env_dump("REMOTE_IDENT") env_dump("REMOTE_USER") env_dump("REMOTE_HOST") env_dump("REMOTE_ADDR") puts(1, "\n\nSERVER INFO\n===========\n") env_dump("SERVER_SOFTWARE") env_dump("SERVER_NAME") env_dump("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") env_dump("SERVER_PROTOCOL") env_dump("SERVER_PORT") env_dump("REQUEST_METHOD") env_dump("PATH_INFO") env_dump("PATH_TRANSLATED") env_dump("SCRIPT_NAME") env_dump("QUERY_STRING") env_dump("AUTH_TYPE") env_dump("CONTENT_TYPE") env_dump("CONTENT_LENGTH") puts(1, "\n\nBROWSER INFO\n============\n") env_dump("HTTP_ACCEPT") env_dump("HTTP_USER_AGENT") puts(1, "\n\nSTANDAR INPUT\n=============\n") sequence whole_file whole_file = {} sequence chunk while 1 do chunk = get_bytes(0, 1024) -- read 100 bytes at a time whole_file &= chunk -- chunk might be empty, that's ok if length(chunk) < 1024 then exit end if end while print(1, whole_file) printf(1, "\n\nEl archivo recibido tiene %d bytes\n\n", {length(whole_file)}) -- should match DIR size of "temp" puts(1, whole_file)