Re: Backspace doesn't work in 4.1.0 programs?

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Chris: thank you, I'll try that out. But, up to and including 4.05 (I haven't tried 4.06 yet), prompt_string("") has worked well and still does, including Backspace, so, I'm not sure if this really is an unresolvable problem between Euphoria and Windows?

Greg: this is what I had thought, but - I've tried it out with three different browsers now - there is nothing to click in the four "Artifacts" lines. Next to the little cubes are the names and the file sizes, but none of it is clickable, just plain text!?

I can click on "4 jobs completed" or on the "Builds" on the left side of the screen, but they only lead me to a window with missing protocol files, nothing to download.

Thanks for all your help!

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