Re: using a dll from FPC

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That dll is dependent on fpcmemdll.dll which I don't have so can't ever open here.

Try and find that and put (the right 32/64 bit version) alongside wingraph12.dll - if it works, you'll have to
a) distribute it, and b) do something along the lines of demo/pGUI/win(32|64) that pGUI.e does, ie chdir()
to the appropriate subdirectory and back to a previously saved current_dir() around the open_dll(), or maybe
c) put a 64bit fpcmemdll.dll in Windows/System32 and a 32bit fpcmemdll.dll in Windows/SysWOW64 (yes, that way round), or
d) put (say) requires(64) at the top of your app/lib and that way force the issue so you only need one fpcmemdll.dll, or
e) do something with the path settings, probably best speak to someone on the fpc forums about that.
I just got 36 hits from google for "fpcmemdll.dll" and one of those might prove enlightening, not that I read any of them.

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