orxEngine Structs

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Hello all,

I just want to make sure I am doing this right. I am trying to convert the orxStructs to be Eu friendly. Here is what I have so far.

orxVector C struct

typedef struct __orxVECTOR_t 
  /** Coordinates : 12 */ 
    orxFLOAT fX;              /**< First coordinate in the cartesian space */ 
    orxFLOAT fRho;            /**< First coordinate in the spherical space */ 
    orxFLOAT fR;              /**< First coordinate in the RGB color space */ 
    orxFLOAT fH;              /**< First coordinate in the HSL/HSV color spaces */ 
    orxFLOAT fY;              /**< Second coordinate in the cartesian space */ 
    orxFLOAT fTheta;          /**< Second coordinate in the spherical space */ 
    orxFLOAT fG;              /**< Second coordinate in the RGB color space */ 
    orxFLOAT fS;              /**< Second coordinate in the HSL/HSV color spaces */ 
    orxFLOAT fZ;              /**< Third coordinate in the cartesian space */ 
    orxFLOAT fPhi;            /**< Third coordinate in the spherical space */ 
    orxFLOAT fB;              /**< Third coordinate in the RGB color space */ 
    orxFLOAT fL;              /**< Third coordinate in the HSL color space */ 
    orxFLOAT fV;              /**< Third coordinate in the HSV color space */ 
} orxVECTOR; 

Eu code

--Orx Structs converted to Eu 
--First Union 
public constant fH = 0, 
				fR = 4, 
				fRho = 8, 
				fX = 12, 
				--Second Union 
				fG = 16, 
				fS = 20, 
				fTheta = 24, 
				fY = 28, 
				--Third Union 
				fB = 32, 
				fL = 36, 
				fPhi = 40, 
				fV = 44, 
				fZ = 48, 
				SIZEOF_orxVECTOR = 52, 
public enum orxVECTOR 
public constant C_orxVECTOR = { 
		C_FLOAT, --fH 
		C_FLOAT, --fR 
		C_FLOAT, -- fRho 
		C_FLOAT, --fX 
		C_FLOAT, -- fG 
		C_FLOAT, -- fS 
		C_FLOAT, -- fTheta 
		C_FLOAT, --fY 
		C_FLOAT, --fB 
		C_FLOAT, --fL 
		C_FLOAT, --fPhi 
		C_FLOAT, --fV 
		C_FLOAT --fZ 
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