Phix 1.0.0 uploaded!
- Posted by petelomax Jul 04, 2021
Usual place: (0.8.3 notes: )
This release is all about pwa/p2js, which transpiles Phix code so it can run in a web browser.
The information posted in last month's announcement and the webinar has not really changed.
Other far less important changes include:
New builtins/bzstream.e for in-memory bzip handling New builtins/sets.e for basic set operations: is_member(), add_member(), remove_member(), union(), intersection(), difference(), is_subset(), is_superset() Allow exponential notation in mpfr.e, eg mpz_init("1e200"), also strips ',' and '_'. Deprecated mpz_probably_prime_p() and randstate functions. Added mpz_prime[_mr](), mpz_nthroot(), mpz_rand(), mpz_pollard_rho(). Renamed mpfr_get/set[_default]_prec() as mpfr_get/set[_default]_precision(). Renamed mpz_binom() as mpz_bin_uiui(), since latter is the standard gmp name for it. Added mpfr_get_fixed(), mpfr_rootn_ui(). Added even(), odd(), match_all() builtins. There is now an undocumented var_id() routine, but I'm not sure if you can do anything useful with it. vslice() now allows column as integer {s,e} for src[s..e], as well as integer for src[column]. New K_asmm flag to signal variables actually modified by inline assembly. New builtins\pipeio.e and updated demo\capture_console.exw Added a hll goto (see kill refcounts in deld() allow flatten(x,{}) to coerce a dword-sequence as opposed to string result. unique(x,"STABLE") not using tid (bugfix) delete_routine(x,0) now properly removes it dicts.e/trees shown by5 in ex.err Icallback() no longer duplicates entries IupHide() rather than IUP_CLOSE if dialog has a parent clear RASTERSIZE on IupShow make IupMessage wrap optional fixed IupTable sort crash on missing elements Allow userdata on IupTreeView nodes experimental pGUIC.e added (class based like irv's work on GTK, for nicer syntax etc) udts in structs required addRoutineId() out-of-date test in t42cback.exw removed