store bug

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Wen I run following code I get a wrong result:

include std/sequence.e 
include std/pretty.e 
include std/console.e 
sequence s = {"first", {}} 
sequence t = store(s, {2}, {"second", {}}) 
pretty_print(1, t, {3}) 
puts(1, "\n") 


So I push back my proposal of April 8th 2018 to replace store and fetch by following code that works:

include std/search.e  
include std/text.e  
include std/pretty.e  
include std/console.e  
public function get_nested(object structure, sequence targetPath, object def=0,  
                           sequence currentPath={})   
  if equal(currentPath, targetPath) then  
    return structure  
    integer digit = targetPath[length(currentPath)+1]  
    if digit <= length(structure) then  
      return get_nested(structure[digit], targetPath, def, currentPath&digit)  
      return def  
    end if  
  end if  
end function   
public function set_nested(object structure, sequence targetPath,  
                           object x, sequence currentPath={})   
  integer digit = targetPath[length(currentPath)+1]  
  for i = 1 to digit do  
    if i > length(structure) then  
      structure = append(structure, {})  
    end if  
    if i = digit then   
      if equal(currentPath&{i}, targetPath) then  
        structure[i] = x  
        structure[i] = set_nested(structure[i], targetPath, x, currentPath&i)  
      end if  
    end if  
  end for  
  return structure   
end function  
public function remove_nested(object structure, sequence targetPath,  
                              sequence currentPath={})  
  integer digit = targetPath[length(currentPath)+1]  
  if digit <= length(structure) then  
    if equal(currentPath&{digit}, targetPath) then  
      structure = remove(structure, digit)  
      structure[digit] = remove_nested(structure[digit], targetPath,  
    end if  
  end if  
  return structure  
end function  
sequence s = {"first", {}} 
sequence t = set_nested(s, {2}, {"second", {}}) 
pretty_print(1, t, {3}) 
puts(1, "\n") 



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