Re: [phix] if 'number' then why not 'list' ?

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Not the same. Here is a comparison:

-- contents of cow.e---- 
public integer horns = 0 
include cow.e as cow1 
include cow.e as cow2 
cow1:horns = 2 
cow2:horns = 1 
? cow1:horns 
? cow2:horns 


As you can see, there is only one variable to store the # of horns, even if you use different "namespaces".

On the other hand, classes provide a "horns" variable for each instance of cow, so we change cow.e so that it declares a class:

export class Cow  
    public integer horns = 0; 
end class 
include cow.e  
Cow cow1 = new() 
Cow cow2 = new() 
cow1.horns = 2 
cow2.horns = 1 
? cow1.horns 
? cow2.horns 


More often than not, I will declare methods which are called when the number of horns on any cow is accessed, so the cow class would look more like this:

export class Cow 
    private integer horns; 
    procedure set_horns(integer n) 
     this.horns = n 
    end procedure 
    function get_horns() 
     return this.horns 
    end function 
end class 

Within those methods, you can do other stuff that might be needed, like popping up a warning if someone tries to give Bessie 3 horns...etc.

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