Re: [docs and wiki] How many data-types do we emphasize?

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_tom said...



Phix has five.

┌───── object───────┐ 
│ number │ sequence │ 
│   │    │   │      │ 
│ integer│ string   │ 
|              | 
number         sequence 
     |                | 
     integer          string 
        /  \ 
  number    sequence 
       |           | 
     integer      string 

This is a good question. At first, I'm like, the classical three. Start with the atom. Tell them you can group atoms in sequences. And objects are an umbrella term for any and all types.

However, I like the option for five because Phix actually has functionality that deals with the string type.

I think the 5 types is the best option.

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