Re: Phix+EuGTK

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I can't reproduce that here. The first question I would ask is do dict.e and struct.e match.
Below, I've created handles 171717, 181818, 191919, 202020, and deleted the last two, and done a fair bit of manual editing to the ex.err to make things line up nicely.

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\builtins\dict.e: 
    trees[3][01..05] = {171717,{`struct`,`Window`,3,1},0,1,0} 
    trees[3][06..10] = {181818,{`struct`,`Label` ,4,1},1,2,0} 
    trees[3][11..15] = {    16,{`struct`,`Window`,3,2},0,1,0} 
    trees[3][16..20] = {     0,{`struct`,`Label` ,4,2},0,1,0} 
    treenames = {`1`,``,`handle lookup`} 
    freelists = {0,0,11} 
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\builtins\structs.e: 
    instances[3] = {2,{{171717,2545,2550},0}} 
    instances[4] = {2,{{181818,2579,2584},0}} 

So, hdict has a freelist of {11,16,0} and the right handles left in place.
instances[3,4] have freelists of {2,0} and the right handles remain.

PS the exact order in which things are created might be helpful, similar to the "Deleting Xxx" messages - should help me reproduce this.
PPS "every run comes out different" is prolly to be expected, as everything comes out in handle order - and will still be so after whatever bug this is gets fixed.

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