Re: euphoria-mvc - app:run()

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First error: my Apache configuration missed module rewrite. After I corrected this failure I still had an error page (HTTP 404).

The .htaccess file disables PHPMyAdmin which is needed on my LAMP server. I got the same 404 error as with the EU script. However a PHP script in the document Root works (phpinfo.php).

I removed the .htaccess file, I put your Add CGI Handler instructions in a file named /etc/apache2/conf-available/eui4.1.conf, I enabled the configuration with sudo a2enconf eui4.1 and I reloaded Apache configuration with sudo systemctl reload apache2.

PHPMyAdmin works again but the browser just shows the script source code instead of executing it.

include mvc/app.e 
include mvc/server.e 
include mvc/template.e 
include mvc/logger.e 
include std/map.e 
function index( object request ) 
    object response = map:new() 
    map:put( response, "title", "My First App" ) 
    map:put( response, "message", "Hello, world!" ) 
    return render_template( "index.html", response ) 
end function 
app:route( "/", "index" ) 
-- "/" is the URL path, "index" is the name of the route 
-- route() will find the matching routine automatically 
set_log_output({ "!debug.log" }) -- overwrite debug.log each time 
set_log_level( LOG_DEBUG ) 
--server:start("", 8080) 

Here is my /var/www/html directory:

8:/var/www/html$ ls -l 
total 20 
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data  389 janv.  5 08:53 eu.cfg 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 www-data www-data  634 janv.  7 08:32 index.esp 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 labo     labo       21 janv.  5 09:55 phpinfo.php 
drwxr-xr-x 13 www-data www-data 4096 janv.  6 09:50 phpmyadmin 

eu.cfg contains:

-d E64 
-eudir /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64 
-i /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64/include 
-i /opt/vnf_test_tool/euphoria-mvc/include 
-arch ix86_64 
-com /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64 
-lib-pic /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64/bin/euso.a 
-lib /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64/bin/eu.a 
-eub /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64/bin/eub 


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