Re: Stopping phix

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In builtins/syswait.ew line 430 we have:

                        mov eax,[child] 
--                      shl eax,2 
                        push eax 
                        call "","system" 
                        add esp,4 
                        mov ebx,eax  
                        mov eax,1                   -- sys_exit 
                        int 0x80  
                        mov rdi,[child] 
--                      shl rdi,2 
                        call "","system" 
                        mov rdi,rax 
                        mov rax,60                  -- sys_exit 

Maybe (untried) if you replace those sys_exit with sys_exit_group as above and in the following recap from pStack.e:

        mov ebx,eax                     -- error_code (p1) 
--      mov eax,1                       -- sys_exit(ebx=int error_code) 
        mov eax,252                     -- sys_exit_group(ebx=int error_code) 
        int 0x80 
--      xor ebx,ebx                     -- (common requirement after int 0x80) 
        mov rdi,rax                     -- error_code (p1) 
--      mov rax,60                      -- sys_exit(rdi=int error_code) 
        mov rax,231                     -- sys_exit_group(rdi=int error_code)  

it may help?...

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