Re: Phix+EuGTK
- Posted by irv Dec 15, 2020
This works to open multiple instances of a class (handles returned by GTK are unique)
constant LIB = open_dll("") constant P = C_PTR, I = C_INT integer init_rid = define_c_func(LIB,"gtk_init_check",{P,P},P) if init_rid < 1 or c_func(init_rid,{0,0})=0 then crash("Failed to initialize GTK library!") end if class Widget public atom handle public integer sigid procedure show() c_proc(define_c_proc(LIB,"gtk_widget_show",{P}),{this.handle}) end procedure procedure connect(object sig, object fn, object data=0, object closure=0, integer flags=0) integer rid sig = allocate_string(sig) if string(fn) then rid = routine_id(fn) if rid > 0 then fn = call_back(rid) if fn < 1 then crash("Invalid callback for -> %s",{fn}) end if else crash("Can't locate function -> %s",{fn}) end if end if if string(data) then data = allocate_string(data) end if sigid = c_func(define_c_func(LIB,"g_signal_connect_data",{P,P,P,P,P,I},I), {this.handle,sig,fn,data,closure,flags}) end procedure end class class Window extends Widget function Window() this.handle = c_func(define_c_func(LIB,"gtk_window_new",{I},P),{0}) return this end function procedure title(sequence t) c_proc(define_c_proc(LIB,"gtk_window_set_title",{P,P}),{handle,t}) end procedure procedure size(integer w, integer h) c_proc(define_c_proc(LIB,"gtk_window_set_default_size",{P,I,I}),{handle,w,h}) end procedure end class function Quit() c_proc(define_c_proc(LIB,"gtk_main_quit",{})) return 0 end function procedure main() c_proc(define_c_proc(LIB,"gtk_main",{})) end procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------- Window w1 = new() ? w1.handle Window w2 = new() ? w2.handle w1.title("I'm Number One!") w2.title("but I'm on top") w1.size(500,300) w1.connect("destroy","Quit") main()
Window handles:
10781296 10781968